

I just finished reading the whole Narnia series which inspired me to make these Narnia characters  Here are my lego Narnia characters.

I will tell you their names in order in this picture.
Mr. Tumnus, Jadis the White Witch, Eustace Scrubb,
Captain Drinian, Reepicheep the Mouse, Prince Caspian,
 Glenstorm the Centaur, Hwin the talking horse, Bree the talking horse, Shasta (Cor),
and Aravis. 

In this scene from 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe', the White Witch is pointing her wand at Mr. Tumnus the Fawn..You can see the Lamp Post in the back.


In this scene, Glenstorm from 'Prince Caspian' is just walking around finding food.

In this scene from 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader', Eustace, Captain Drinian, Reepicheep, and Prince Caspian are talking about all of the adventures they had

In this scene, Shasta (Cor) and Aravis are riding on Bree and Hwin from 'The Horse And His Boy'.

This scene is a montage from different books with some characters together.
The books in the series in order are The Magicians Nephew, The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe,
Prince Caspian, The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, The Horse And His Boy,
and The Last Battle  

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