
The Story of Christmas by E2 Imaginations


Mary and Joseph arrive at the stable.

We had lots of fun putting together this new stop motion just in time for Christmas.  Since it's Advent, we are still preparing to celebrate Christmas, and we are reading the Gospels that tell the story.  This stop motion animation is our brief take on the wonderful story that took place over 2,000 years ago.


Sharing and Speed building with BrickAwesome!

 Recently, we met virtually with some other Lego fans from BrickAwesome for some fun and sharing.  Since we have not been able to meet in person due to the pandemic, this fantastic community has given all of us the opportunity to connect with others who have similar interests and still share our lego creations through online meetings and pictures a few times a year.

This past weekend, BrickAwesome organized a speed build as part of the event.  There were two different builds to recreate: a mini dinosaur from a Classics box and a propeller plane from a Creator set.

Both of us took part in the Propeller plane build.  Here are some photos and video of our progress through it.  

Getting set up...


E2 was the first one finished, and E1 was second.

Check out our future posts with the cool creative builds we shared with our friends at the event!


Remembrance day World War I scene

Since tomorrow is November 2nd, All Souls Day, we are remembering our heroes of the past who died.

We recently read a book called Innocent Heroes by Sigmund Brouwer, and we learned a lot about the First World War from reading it. We also learned about the role that some animals played in helping soldiers in the war.

The characters are Canadian soldiers in a platoon called the Storming Normans. The main characters are Jake York, Thomas Northstar, Charlie, lieutenant Norman, Lance, and all the animals that help them. 

It takes place in Courcelette, Vimy Ridge, France, and George Gordon Reserve, Saskatchewan, Canada. 

In the book it shows how living in a trench is hard; there are lots of rats that steal the soldier's food and bite them and suck their blood when they sleep. Shells are always exploding everywhere.  They go on many missions and raid a German trench. The adventures the animals go on through their missions are crazy, and they couldn't have done the missions without all the training.

In the end, they win the war and survive.   

I really liked the book because it told me how the soldiers felt in the war and it inspired me to make the trench scene out of Lego.  My favourite chapters were about Boomer the cat (because I like cats), Louise the pack horse (because this chapter takes place after the war ended), and the Epilogue (where the veterans lived happily after the war).  ------E1

The book helped me to understand how animals really helped in war.  The chapter I liked the best was about Boomer.  Boomer was a cat that helped kill rats in the trenches, so that the soldiers didn't get bitten in their sleep, and then they could rest enough to work in the morning.  ----E2

There's a soldier behind the sandbags

The battlefield

There's a wounded soldier who got shot down on the ground.

This is supposed to be a carrier pigeon taking a message to the soldiers.

This machine turret soldier has fallen 

This is the overview of the trench.

Here is a soldier with a large gun.

This is a machine gun turret in the trench.

There is a trail of rat urine near the bread.  Soldiers stored their food above the trenches. 

This is Boomer the cat, he eats rats.  There were many cats in the First World War to patrol for rats.

There is a boat that got hit by a shell and is in pieces.

These are the beds inside the trench; it was very uncomfortable to sleep in them.

Here is a medic and a radio man. 

This is a soldier reading a letter from home.

There is another soldier running whose clothing caught fire.

Soldiers threw dynamite to blow things up.  The minifig is in a shell crater doing that. 


Halloween scene


Happy Halloween! During this last week before Halloween, we wanted to share a build we did together as a response to our local library's online building challenge.  Here is our Halloween Trick-or-treat scene.  

It's our spooky decoration for the indoors!

E1's house and E2's house decorated with halloween stuffs

Here's the parade of trick-or treaters going from house to house

See the headless horseman on E1's front lawn.

Notice the ghost hiding beside E2's house, as the stormtrooper trick or treater walks by.

There is also a zombie hand reaching out of the ground.

Look at all the costumed trick-or treaters!

"Trick or treat!?" Candy is handed out at E1's house.  

Everybody is holding a bag of candy.

"TRICK-OR-TREAT!!?" See the spooky eyeballs on E2's house... the house is watching...

There is a green zombie and a scary rider in front of E2's house.  It doesn't scare these trick-or treaters!

E2's house

And just in time for Halloween is our latest stop motion video, Costume Party. Check out the link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hqCZ7wq5js
Happy Halloween everyone!


E2's yellow open-top convertible car


Here is a car I designed.

Its doors can open.

I'm going to show you how to build my car.

First you need these pieces:

 Put them together like this:
This will be the front of the car.

Next, gather these pieces:

Now we are making the base with front wheels.

It should look like this.

Next get these pieces:
Now it should look like this:

Next get these together:

Next section will need these pieces:

It should look like this:

Next, you need these pieces to make the door part:

It should look like this:

Get the pieces for the windshield:

Then get these pieces for the inside of the car:

And it should look like this:

 Now we make the back wheel section. Get these pieces ready:

Now get these sections ready:

Attach front to side doors.

Next attach front wheel section:

Next, attach inside to the body:

Next, attach the back to the wheels.

All done!