
New Video- Creation Story

 Hello everyone,

Been away from brick-filming for a while, but recently returned to it to help put together some videos for our church group.

It's based on the first and second chapters of the book of Genesis.  You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/O_BAJ13dGzA

Here are some behind the scenes photos of the work I did:

Animating the sea

Making flowers and plants appear

The Creator and the first human 

view of man in the garden with the Creator

New video- Moses and the Burning Bush

 Hi everyone,

This is another stop-motion I put together to help my church with their bible camp program this summer.  It's based on the book of Exodus, chapter 3. 

You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/FXSwkLmAY-8

Here are some behind the scenes photos of the work I did:

Moses walks with the sheep to Mt. Sinai

view of Mt. Sinai- the set

Adding text, sounds, music and editing scene transitions