
E1's Iron Giant Tribute

This is The Iron Giant that I made.  I used my imagination to make this, I wasn't looking at any pictures either.

Remember the part of the movie where he holds the kid?

The Iron Giant is saying: I'm super man! 

This him from behind. 

This is him from the side.

Do you remember the part when he puts himself back together?

This is his head and his torso.


Pyramid roof houses

We built these two houses with the same identical shape and rooms.
Can you guess who built which house first???

This is the side of one of our houses.

This is the front of both houses.

This is the balcony.

This is the inside of one house.  The dining room is upstairs and the bedroom is on the lower level on the left side. Beside it is the living room.

This is the other house.

 This is the upstairs without the roof.

This is a hole in the roof meant to store stuff like an attic.

Close up of the roof

Dining room


Too Many Friends!!!

Happy New Year!
As Christmas break ended, we were busy with our bricks again, and have made another stop motion video.  It is called Too Many Friends, and we hope you like it!